Behavior I Class
The Behavior I Class is an entry-level training class for the young adult thru senior dog (ages 6 months and up.) No previous training required.
Using basic informal basic obedience, this class will train in home behaviors and establish pack order within the family. The Behavior I class is directed towards the family dog that is showing disrespect and challenging behaviors towards its family and pack.

The Behavior I class includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Proper timing and handling skills using one-word commands
Dog is trained to respond to the first command that is given
Pack order training, with concentrating on proper behaviors for the home territory and daily routine/environment
Canine nutritional information
Boundary Training
Crate Training
Timeframe: 6 Weeks in length, 1 session per week a scheduled time. Each session lasts approximately 40-45 minutes in length.
The successful completion of the Behavior I-Class is a prerequisite for participation in Behavior II and more advanced training.